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Monthly Archives: August 2023


Tips for Choosing an Executor for Your Estate

By Suncoast Civil Law |

Choosing an executor for your estate can send a ripple effect that is felt for generations. Our legacy is the most important thing we leave behind – choosing the right executor of your estate is a crucial decision. Perhaps no one else has more power over the successful distribution of your assets and fulfillment… Read More »


Non Delegable Duties and Florida Subcontracting

By Suncoast Civil Law |

In business, there is only so much anyone can control. As tightly as we hone in on our crafts and rigidly observe our best business practices: sometimes there are third parties involved that we just cannot control. So what happens if an independent contractor performs their work negligently? Who is liable? Well, the First… Read More »


Do Stepchildren Inherit Under Florida Estate Law?

By Suncoast Civil Law |

Step parents get a bad rap. From time immemorial, fairy tales speak of the wicked stepmothers of Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, and Snow White. While it is understandable that the dichotomy of a family might be different when a step parent is introduced, in the real world there are plenty of loving, devoted step… Read More »


Florida Foreclosure, Part Three: After Foreclosure

By Suncoast Civil Law |

You have been through the pre-foreclosure and foreclosure process. At this point you likely want to wash your hands of the entire event and move on with your next chapter. However, even after the foreclosure sale is held, there are still a few key items – such as deficiency judgements and redemption periods –… Read More »


Florida Foreclosure, Part Two: Florida’s Foreclosure Process

By Suncoast Civil Law |

In this installment of our three-part foreclosure series, we will have a high-level discussion of what to expect once you have reached the stage of foreclosure in Florida. Each state has its own unique processes and timelines, and knowing what to expect from the Florida court system as you move forward in your foreclosure… Read More »