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Category Archives: Business Litigation


The Importance of “Material” Matters in Business Contracts

By Suncoast Civil Law |

When we enter into a contract with someone, both parties want something from the other. Whether that is an actor coming to your daughter’s birthday party dressed like a princess, a decking company to finish the barbecue area before the fourth of July party, or a multimillion dollar deal for a corporation to perform… Read More »


Crafting Contracts with “Material” Items in Mind

By Suncoast Civil Law |

As discussed in our previous article, “The Importance of “Material” Matters in Business Contracts,” a binding contractual agreement will involve two or more parties coming together to form an agreement. In exchange for goods, services, or something similar, one party will give the other party some form of repayment, what in the contractual world… Read More »


Is my Customer List a Trade Secret in Florida?

By Suncoast Civil Law |

For a business’s trade secret to be deemed a “trade secret” – must the information be held in total secrecy? Alternatively – is it ok for some portions or parts of a trade secret to be public information, and the “trade secret” still retain its trade secret status? For instance – what about customer… Read More »


Non Delegable Duties and Florida Subcontracting

By Suncoast Civil Law |

In business, there is only so much anyone can control. As tightly as we hone in on our crafts and rigidly observe our best business practices: sometimes there are third parties involved that we just cannot control. So what happens if an independent contractor performs their work negligently? Who is liable? Well, the First… Read More »


Business Woes And Florida’s Civil Theft Statute

By Suncoast Civil Law |

Business litigation lawsuits stem from a number of different situations. Our office has seen suits involving losses or other damages to companies because of contract disputes, alleged violations of non-compete agreements, and various types of fraud or civil theft allegations. In these cases experienced business litigation attorneys can help companies recover adequate compensation for… Read More »


What Legal Remedies Are Available For Breach Of A Florida Contract?

By Suncoast Civil Law |

Every business relies on contracts. They are the lifeblood of every business, and without them many businesses fail. However, all too frequently the other party in a contractual relationship does not uphold their end of the bargain. This can be devastating for your current business and plans for the future. Businesses often scale their… Read More »


How Can Your Business Benefit From A Non-Compete, Non-Solicitation, Or Non-Disclosure Agreement?

By Suncoast Civil Law |

All businesses have a “secret sauce” that allows them to be competitive in the market. This could be an actual product like the secret 23 spices making up the classic flavoring for KFC, or something more conventional such as a small business’s pricing strategies or other proprietary data or trade secrets. To remain competitive… Read More »


Understanding Restrictive Covenants In Florida Employment Agreements

By Suncoast Civil Law |

Employment is generally considered “at-will” in Florida, meaning either the employer or the employee can walk away from the relationship at any point without further restrictions. But many employers find it beneficial to sign formal employment agreements with key employees. One reason for this is that Florida law permits such agreements to contain restrictive… Read More »


How Arbitration Agreements Can Bite The Businesses That Draft Them

By Suncoast Civil Law |

Many consumer contracts and agreements contain arbitration provisions. These are usually inserted at the behest of a business owner seeking to minimize its own exposure to potential litigation should the consumer have a legitimate grievance. Arbitration often restricts many of the rights consumers would otherwise have in a traditional litigation forum. On the other… Read More »


How Florida Businesses May Be Sued For Firing “Whistleblowers”

By Suncoast Civil Law |

Generally speaking, a Florida business can fire an employee for any reason, or even no reason at all. Of course, the law does make a number of exceptions. For example, you cannot fire an employee because of a legally protected characteristic, such as race or sex. You may also be liable if you fire… Read More »